How to Remove Brown Stains From Teeth?

How to Remove Brown Stains From Teeth?

If you are anything like us, it’s hard to get through the day without a little coffee pick-me-up. However, a daily coffee habit can leave its mark via staining on your teeth. 

Brown stains are a common dental gripe, and many people experience some sort of staining at some point in their lives. Most people experience extrinsic stains, which occur on the surface of the tooth, rather than intrinsic stains, which occur on the inside of your tooth. 

No matter what type of staining you experience, it can affect your confidence, as there is nothing like having a bright white smile.

We have put together this guide of brown stain-busting strategies and tips to help you tackle brown staining and achieve the earliest smile possible,

Brown Stain-Busting Strategies 

To reveal a brighter, whiter smile, here are some brown stain-busting strategies that are suitable for a wide range of budgets and timeframes. 

Some of these can be done from home, while others require the supervision of a dental professional. 

Natural Home Remedies (for mild stains)

If you’re someone who prefers to stick to the basics and avoid using harsh chemicals and products, you can still remove brown stains from your teeth. Here are some of the best at-home, natural remedies for you to try.

Baking Soda and Water Paste

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to remove brown stains from your teeth is by making baking soda and water paste. 

Simple mix baking soda with water until it forms a paste-like consistency, and apply to your teeth. The baking soda acts as a mild abrasive to remove pesky brown stains and whiten your teeth. 

Brushing with Strawberries

Evidence suggests that brushing your teeth with strawberries can have a whitening effect, removing brown stains and plaque build-up. 

This is thought to be caused by the high levels of Vitamin C and malic acid that are found in strawberries, although more research is needed in this area for concrete conclusions. 

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Another popular at-home remedy for brown staining on the teeth is oil pulling with coconut oil. Many users of this method claim it leaves them with whitened teeth and fresher breath. 

However, most of the evidence is anecdotal, so there is no hard scientific proof that this method works. 

Over-the-Counter Products

Sometimes, at-home remedies aren’t quite strong enough to banish brown stains for good and stronger products are therefore required. 

Here are some of our top over-the-counter product recommendations to whiten and brighten your smile without breaking the bank.

Whitening Toothpaste

If you want to go one step further to eradicate brown stains from your teeth, consider using a whitening toothpaste. 

These contain gentle abrasives and sometimes bleaching agents to banish stains from the surface of your teeth and leave you with a clean and fresh mouth. 

We highly recommend our Boka whitening toothpaste, which is packed with multiple whitening ingredients, such as baking soda to dissolve surface stains, coconut oil to act as a gradual whitening agent that also soothes and moisturizes gums, and nano-hydroxyapatite to restore teeth to their natural whiteness. It’s even safe for sensitive teeth, so just about anyone can enjoy the benefits of our toothpaste!

Whitening Strips

Another popular over-the-counter whitening method is to use whitening strips, which you can easily find at the grocery store or at the pharmacy. 

Whitening strips are small plastic strips that adhere to your teeth and release a bleaching agent to fight stubborn brown and yellow stains. 

Check out our whitening strips that use PAP to gently whiten teeth while avoiding sensitivity.

Whitening Mouthwashes

A simple yet highly effective way to remove brown stains at home is by using a whitening mouthwash. 

While this method may take slightly longer to completely remove brown stains, it can be a lot gentler than other options as your teeth are exposed to less whitening agents.

For example, our mouthwash tablets use hydroxyapatite to gently clean your mouth and reveal your best smile yet! 

Professional Treatments (for stubborn stains)

In-office Whitening Treatments

For truly stubborn brown stains that just won’t seem to budge, you may want to consider a professional whitening treatment. 

These use bleaching agents that can only be administered by a dentist, and they are far stronger than anything you can buy over the counter.

Dental Cleanings

While cleaning your teeth at home every day is an important part of maintaining white teeth and a clean mouth, it is very hard to replicate the effects of a dental cleaning. 

Sometimes, plaque build up and surface strains are resistant to brushing, and need a dentist's touch in order to be removed. If you want a whiter smile, asking your dentist for a professional clean could be a good step to take. 

Porcelain Veneers or Crowns

If your teeth are severely stained brown, and you have tried all other remedies on this list to no avail, it might be time to consider porcelain veneers or crowns. These act as a covering for your teeth, making it look like you have a pearly white smile.

Maintaining a Sparkling Smile 

While there are many remedies for brown staining on your teeth, the best approach to take is to avoid stains altogether. Here are some of the best ways to maintain a sparkling smile. 

Brushing and Flossing

The best way to tackle brown stains and maintain a gleaming white smile is to regularly brush and floss your teeth. Brushing removes the plaque buildup that can make your teeth look brown, and flossing ensures all food particles and bacteria are properly removed from your mouth, minimizing the chances of cavities.

 Proper technique and frequency when brushing and flossing are of the utmost importance, so make sure you are brushing twice a day and flossing daily. To build the proper oral hygiene routine, check out our wide range of products, which range from toothbrushes, toothpaste, and whitening products.


What you eat and drink can have a major impact on your oral health, as your teeth are exposed to everything you consume. Excessive surgery drinks, tea, coffee, and red wine are all staining liquids, so if you are trying to avoid brown teeth, you should limit your intake of these.

Obviously, most people can’t completely forgo their morning coffee, so a great tip for iced coffee drinkers is to drink it through a straw, as this limits exposure to your teeth and helps to keep them nice and white. 

Regular Dental Checkups

At-home oral care is extremely important, but to maintain a sparkling mouth, you need some professional input too. Make sure you regularly book a checkup with your dentist for a checkup. 

Not only will your dentist be able to identify and treat any issues you might have, but they will be able to professionally clean and remove any stubborn stains that may have built up on the surface of your teeth. 

Dental expert Dr. Anjum Chaudhary, BDS, MDS, explained, “Brown spots can appear on teeth due to poor oral care, smoking, or consuming dark foods and beverages.

These spots can usually be removed from the outer surface of the tooth and can be prevented with proper oral hygiene. Brown stains on the teeth rarely indicate a medical issue, but they could be caused by a reaction to medication. If brown spots are accompanied by other symptoms or don't respond to over-the-counter treatments, it's important to seek advice from a medical professional. If the source of discoloration is uncertain, consulting with a dentist or physician is recommended.

Regular dental checkups have two main benefits: teeth cleaning and early issue detection. Ideally, dental exams should be done twice a year, unless there's a specific condition that requires more frequent checkups.”


Whether you want to use a natural at-home remedy, an over-the-counter treatment, or a professional approach, there are many different ways you can tackle brown stains on your teeth to achieve a gorgeous white smile. 

However, it is also important to work with your dentist, as they can offer you personalized advice and treatment plans.

The good news is that generally, with a little bit of time and patience, a brighter and whiter smile is highly achievable. The trick is building and maintaining a good oral hygiene routine to help you stay on top of your dental care. 

If you want to achieve your best smile yet, check out the Boka whitening range, which is specially formulated for sensitive teeth so that everyone can have pearly white teeth to be proud of.

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